This afternoon I have been fielding emails from very worried Vasseti/Zavarco shareholders asking if I have any further news or what they can do. This would normally be the job of Investor Relations but they clearly just don't F***KING care......
I am sorry to say that we have no further far.
I can feel every individual shareholders worry pouring out of their email as they write to me.
But let me tell you all something, if you owed these F**KS one cent of money you can be rest assured that they would burn you out of your home to get it.
Write and call and don't stop until you get your answer.......
Email -
Email -
Email - - This I got from the Frankfurt Stock Ex website, it is one of the Zavarco Directors email address and his name is Mr Teoh Hock Peng.
Email -
Email -
Tel - +60 356386648
Fax - +60 356386646
V Telecoms
Tel - +60 377817788
I will continue to look for more if all else fails then it has to be the German regulators BaFin.
The Vasseti Group was sold to investors as an opportunity rarely seen since the likes of Microsoft. Sold to investors as a premier group of companies made up of mergers & acquisitions, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Ex. and backed by Tan Sri Syed Yusof Nasir, what could possibly go wrong... The reality turned out to be very different. Theft, fraud, deceit, lies and unimaginable greed, eventually led to all investors losing their entire investment.