Friday, September 9, 2016

Vale International Group ( VIG ) pops up on Cynical Bear's radar over at Shareprophets ...

Last week we introduced you to Vale International Group  ( VIG) the newly listed shell company from the directors at Vertu Capital and daVictus PLC.

Cynical Bear over at Share Prophets has added them to his list of "sub-standard shockers" 

Full article at Share Prophets is - click here 


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Last week sell trades at William Du's Vertu Capital Ltd ( VCBC ) and daVictus PLC ( DVT ) ...

Starting with William Du's company, Vertu Capital ( VCBC ) and a stock market collapsing 8 Million shares sold last week ...

Will there be any money left to buy VCB Capital ? and will they do it before the 2-year deadline? 

or will they start another company ??  if they did, will it begin with the letter V ???

some possible suggestions,

Vampire Capital PLC 

Vasectomy Subsidiaries Group PLC 

Volumetric Bullshit International PLC

anyway here are the trades ...

and finally daVictus PLC ( DVT ) 50,000 shares sold, last week .....