Thursday, June 7, 2018


Dear Shareholders,

We have the following announcement from a Vasseti (Zavarco) shareholder. I would ask that all shareholders read this carefully and then reach out to Lee Meiklejohn without delay.

Hello, My name is Lee Meiklejohn  and I am a shareholder in Vasseti.

I was sold the Vasseti investment by Ranjeet Singh Sidhu and like so many others I too was sold on the fact that Tan Sri Syed Nasir had bought and paid for 30% of the company and with this he was to be a significant leading presence and driving force behind the Vasseti Group. 

All my grievances lie with the original board of directors who in my eyes are solely responsible for all investor losses. From 2013 and following the collapse of the share price I have been repeatedly lied to and misled on just about everything I have asked them.  Therefore I request the following -

1. Any shareholders who wish to join me I will be filing my own police complaints in Malaysia and will do everything possible to make sure a police investigation is established as well as consulting solicitors with respect to raising a class action suit. 

2. If any Vasseti shareholders who paid money directly to Ranjeet Singh Sidhu or to his investment company G&P Solutions expecting the money to then be sent directly to Vasseti to purchase the shares. Could you also please get in touch with me. According to Vasseti now known as Zavarco the shares that I hold are unpaid this I find to be impossible as the funds were sent directly to Mr Sidhu which in turn were to be sent to Vasseti by Mr Sidhu to buy the shares.

Thank you for your attention and please share.

Lee Meiklejohn.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

German regulator BaFin sets financial penalties against Vascory….

Attention Vascory shareholders, 

On May the 24th the German regulator BaFIn imposed periodic penalty payments set at a whopping 282,500 euros against Vascory AG. A company owned by Tan Sri Syed Nasir and Ranjeet Singh Sidhu.

To read, click here.

Why have they imposed these fines ?

Vascory and its owners have failed to follow the strict reporting guidelines set out by the regulators for a listed company.

As we have recently learned, this is nothing new, they literally broke every rule in the book with Vasseti (Zavarco).

If you still believe these people have your best interests at heart then perhaps you should think again.

I'm sorry but it's just pathetic, these bastards just don't care about their investors and their money.

Act now or suffer the same fate that befell the Vasseti Zavarco shareholders.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Why do they do it ?…...

Dear Shareholders,

I regularly watch documentaries on theft and fraud because I am trying to gain some kind of insight into why these people set out to defraud other hard working people. I basically want to try and find out what makes these scumbags tick.

I am currently watching this particular channel on YouTube called “Phony Seal of the Week”. I highly recommend watching a couple of episodes at least. Here’s the link. Click here.

A bit of a background about this particular channel,

Don Shipley is a retired US Navy Seal. This man has been to hell and back so that he could build a career for himself and successfully provide for his family, as well as serve his country in one of the most notoriously difficult elite fighting forces in the world.  So you can imagine he gets a little pissed off when people (scumbags) try to steal his and other Navy Seals Valor.

On a daily basis Don tracks down members of the public who claim to be or have been US Navy Seals. These people range from trying to impress a girl at the bar, to full on lying to their friends and families and in some cases have even set up their on business based around them claiming to be an Ex. Navy Seal. Others just do it for the sake of vanity and the need to appear successful to the rest of the world, sad.

It’s astonishing to watch. Don Shipley (the real Ex Navy Seal) normally begins his exposure of the imposter by first asking them a short series of questions. The first question is were they a Navy Seal, the answer that follows is normally and sometimes hesitated but normally a definite “yes”. Don then follows this question up by asking them their “BUDS Class Training No” which in plain speaking is “what is the class number you graduated from for your Navy Seal training. By this point Don’s got them, because no matter what the fraudster tells him Don is in possession of a complete list of all the classes and its graduated members, so no matter what this fraudster says he is instantly exposed.

What’s astonishing to me is despite the overwhelming evidence the fraudster will still maintain the lie. At first I thought these people to have mental issues but the more you watch it becomes clear that this is not the case. The people in question are very much aware of their actions and know exactly what they are doing. 

I firmly believe that the above relates exactly to what we as shareholders are experiencing. The people we are dealing with are pathological liars, they have honed and crafted their vile fraud skills, they show you no remorse and no guilt as they quite happily put your money or “valor” (in Don’s case) straight into their back pocket and then happily spend it on themselves and their families, who are sadly and probably none the wiser.

So why are these scumbags doing this,

The answer lies in their personality, they just can’t do it. No matter what they do they are just unable to make it .They are so unsuccessful in life that the only way they can make money is to resort to stealing from others who are the ones who actually work hard to try and make it. Secondly, the Vanity part, they desperately need people and their family and friends to believe they are successful at what they do.

Back to Vasseti (Zavarco),

Tan Sri Syed Nasir and Ranjeet Singh Sidhu knew before they even set foot in a UK court they had lied and deceived investors. They knew all along their shares were unpaid. So after they elected the new board of directors during 2013 (which was effectively handing back the company) they then proceeded to lie to investors about how the company was performing and mentioned nothing of the troubles that were developing within the company, until they were literally forced to do so in 2015. Now, instead of them leading the way and rallying all the shareholders together, contacting the Police to investigate and then launching a class action suit with all the shareholders, they brought in just one shareholder, Peter Blomqvist who made not a single effort to contact any of the other shareholders for their support.

The only way to break this cycle of events is to expose these vile bastards and bring in a proper and full Police investigation, because you can be rest assured that Mr Nasir and Mr Sidhu will no longer be pursuing them through the courts and will most certainly never go to the Police.

Next up,

Vascory and the Spanish Investors this is another public run company by Tan Sri Syed Nasir and Ranjeet Singh Sidhu.