Dear Vasseti Zavarco Shareholders,
Our last post was published during November 2017 and it featured the release of a long-awaited Judgement for Tan Sri v Zavarco.
There has been little to say about the last released judgement from the UK, other than the people that you thought or hoped where trustworthy turned out to be a bunch of outright fucking liars and were happy to mislead everyone including a British Judge, who saw straight through their bullshit.
Two things need to happen,
1. Accountability, the people here who have misled and deceived investors need to be held fully accountable for the loss of investors funds.
2. The need for a full Police investigation on all past & present board of directors of Vasseti Zavarco.
Stay Tuned.
The Vasseti Group was sold to investors as an opportunity rarely seen since the likes of Microsoft. Sold to investors as a premier group of companies made up of mergers & acquisitions, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Ex. and backed by Tan Sri Syed Yusof Nasir, what could possibly go wrong... The reality turned out to be very different. Theft, fraud, deceit, lies and unimaginable greed, eventually led to all investors losing their entire investment.