We are very grateful to have been sent this link to Zavarco PLC AGM announcement in the UK Gazette....
Zavarco announced on their website that the AGM was to be held in Kuala Lumpur June 2015.......Guess what.....that was a lie as well, because as you can read in this announcement from the UK Gazette, the AGM was to be originaly held in the UK on the 16th of April at Danesfield House Hotel, but it has now been postponed until the 19th of May 2015 at the same location.
So it's plain to see that this has been a cover up as well........by announcing to the shareholders that the AGM was in KL when it was in fact to be held in the UK.....all done to completely deceive the shareholders.......again.
The Vasseti Group was sold to investors as an opportunity rarely seen since the likes of Microsoft. Sold to investors as a premier group of companies made up of mergers & acquisitions, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Ex. and backed by Tan Sri Syed Yusof Nasir, what could possibly go wrong... The reality turned out to be very different. Theft, fraud, deceit, lies and unimaginable greed, eventually led to all investors losing their entire investment.