Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Breaking News.... Peter Blomqvist 1 - 0 Board of Directors Zavarco PLC

Dear Vasseti Zavarco shareholders,

I do intend to comment on yesterday's post however we are checking first as to whether or not there is actually a grain of truth to what we received.....please bear with us on this.

Anyway, back to the good stuff and we have received emails from several Vasseti Zavarco shareholders today to alert us to Peter Blomqvist a UK Vasseti Zavarco shareholder who took a victory at the Court of Appeal in London. For reference you can find Mr Blomqvist's original 2nd of July Judgment here. The appeal was lodged against the Blomqvist judgement by the Vasseti Zavarco BOD.

We are chasing a copy of the Order from the UK court of Appeal for you to see as soon as we get our hands on it....

This is without a doubt a fantastic step towards removing that totally criminal BOD of Zavarco PLC.