Dear Shareholders,
Incredible things are happening in Malaysia right now and I make reference to the very decisive actions taken by the newly elected Malaysian Prime Minister.
Malaysian Police have conducted raids on the ex.PM Najib and have seized cash and boxes of luxury items. Link here.
On the strength of the above news I feel compelled to repeat myself and again to each and everybody who has had their money stolen by these despicable scumbags, come forward and let us take your story to the Malaysian Police, don't let these people get away with taking your money.
During the November 2017 Tan Sri Syed Nasir v Zavarco trial. Ranjeet Singh Sidhu made this brazen remark to the judge,
“In Malaysia it is the norm...”
Well, it looks like the norm is changing.
The Vasseti Group was sold to investors as an opportunity rarely seen since the likes of Microsoft. Sold to investors as a premier group of companies made up of mergers & acquisitions, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Ex. and backed by Tan Sri Syed Yusof Nasir, what could possibly go wrong... The reality turned out to be very different. Theft, fraud, deceit, lies and unimaginable greed, eventually led to all investors losing their entire investment.