Saturday, April 11, 2015

Rolling back the years...........major fund raising event 2010

Continuing with the Vasseti / V Telecoms fund raising tour, Vasseti Berhad acquires the controlling stake of the Templar Park Golf & Country Club.

Makoto Azuma, president of the Japan's Kyowa Group has reportedly 2,000,000 shares in Vasseti Zavarco PLC, I wonder if he too is just as pissed off a shareholder as we are..........

The deal is done and the stage is set ..........
Our mission, to convince you to invest................then after a period of time we will change the company name (quietly) and never again speak to our shareholders.....
 Business Perfected, as long as we don't have to speak to our shareholders.....
 Team Vasseti....with the chap on the left sleeping....
Here come the investors........yeeee