Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ladies & Gentlemen let me introduce the Virgin Gold Mining Scam......it's a cracker......

The Virgin Gold Mining Corporation to put it simply is just another gut wrenching scam. These assholes use high profile figures as decoration to give the scam its realism and credibility. The scammers then take their company and hit the investor world with their "bling bling f**k me you really want to invest in this" roadshow. The company balance sheet is filled with alleged high value assets that are normally very hard for the investor to actually see and touch and verify. All this comes with a promise that you can unlock your glorious gains from your investment when the company is floated on a stock exchange. 

That kind of sounds familiar.......

But you never ever get to unlock those gains or your original investment. These cum swallowers run straight out the backdoor extracting the honest shareholders money for themselves and then after sometime has passed it's over to the delist from the exchange story and then shut down of the whole company/scam and move on to the next one leaving you and every one else up the proverbial creek without as so much as a match stick........

This is my 2nd introduction to Bryan Leonard Cook, who appears to be gaining notoriety for these types of scams and is currently on trial in Germany for stock fraud......

NOTE: Bryan Leonard Cook was also the adviser to Questus Global Capital Markets Ltd

Links to these websites are in the links box on the right of the screen. Go and read them because these people have put in a massive amount of personal time and work to drag these wankers into the public spotlight..............