So yesterday the world learned, for the first time 2 very disticnt facts .......
1) The Zavarco PLC current board of directors and the real owners of Zavarco PLC who have now been identified as Open Fibre & Paneagle Holdings had a secret Malaysian high court consent order which basically said that company that everyone thought they were investing in was in fact just a shell company from the date the 23rd of July 2014 !!!
2) The STRAND HANSON Compliance Team clearly sucks total fucking ass !!!
So, as part of the Strand Hanson's compliance checks, did they go to
the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and check to see why Zavarco PLC had in
fact not bothered to delist from the exchange from the 23rd of JULY 2014 ? ...... Nope !
In fact, does it now not appear very odd to Strand Hanson that the board of directors of Zavarco PLC in fact did not actually delist the company until the 22nd of May 2015, nearly a whole 10 months later ?? .....obviously not !!
How many other companies has Strand Hanson got a listing for that are as blatantly criminal as this lot have clearly been ???......... I think it's time for some people to think about resigning at Strand Hanson !!!
A very very quick summary,
The current board of directors of Zavarco PLC and it's real owners Open Fibre & Paneagle holdings completely violated their obligations to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the public and it's shareholders by deliberately concealing a consent order which said that "Accordingly, pursuant to a consent order
made by the High Court of
Kuala Lumpur dated 23 July 2014, the proposed acquisition of Aries
Telecoms was effectively reversed such that Zavarco plc no longer has
any interest in Aries Telecoms."
Is that police sirens I here !!!
The Vasseti Group was sold to investors as an opportunity rarely seen since the likes of Microsoft. Sold to investors as a premier group of companies made up of mergers & acquisitions, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Ex. and backed by Tan Sri Syed Yusof Nasir, what could possibly go wrong... The reality turned out to be very different. Theft, fraud, deceit, lies and unimaginable greed, eventually led to all investors losing their entire investment.