Saturday, December 19, 2015

The fraudsters that stole V Telecoms and renamed it Aries want to wish you a Merry Christmas !!!

Dear Vasseti Zavarco shareholders,

It's been a very very stressful and sickening year for you all and sadly it's not going to end on a positive note, at least not for the vast majority of Vasseti Zavarco shareholders.

However, it is important to note that you must not lose hope. I know that some of you stand to lose a great deal of money and some even life savings but we must all work together to turn the table on these fraudsters.

We can see that finally legal actions are taking place in the Malaysian & British High courts for the benefit of all the shareholders. Any published news from the courts regarding these actions and we will post on the blog.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have worked with me on the blog and to the many people who came forward to either give their support to the blog or to provide valuable information to help drag these fraudsters into the public eye. It simply could not have been done without you.

I personally would like to wish all the Vasseti Zavarco shareholders and their families a very Merry Christmas and a very prosperous and happy 2016, as difficult as that already may be.

However, to the perpetrators of this crime .....2016 WILL be a year you remember.... as you WILL be held accountable for the fraud you have committed against the shareholders of Vasseti Zavarco and it is with great hope that you will all be incarcerated for your crimes against decent hard working people.....for a very long time.

[Aries Telecoms wishes you a Merry Christmas]

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Originality isn't their strong point ......

Aries Telecoms launches Infinity Broadband service.....

Remember shareholders all this has been possible because of your invested money and your ability to take a risk.  They are nothing but thieves and cowards that will be brought to justice.....hang in and keep fighting....

Spot the difference ..........   BT doesn't steal its shareholders money ....

Monday, November 23, 2015

Suspend Roslina Binti Ibrahim's Fund Management License !!!

Dear Vasseti Zavarco shareholders,

In light of our major update from the 18th of November. We are writing to the Malaysian regulators to respectfully ask that Roslina Binti Ibrahim has her fund management license suspended or better still permanently withdrawn.

I would urge all Vasset Zavarco shareholders please take the same action and write a letter of complaint to the Malaysian regulators and request that her license be suspend and that her involvement in the Vasseti Zavarco theft and fraud be thoroughly investigated by the Malaysian regulators.

You can write to them here,
Complaints Department
Securities Commission Malaysia
No 3 Persiaran Bukit Kiara
Bukit Kiara
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603 6204 8999
Fax: 603 6204 8991

Direct link to the license page showing her license number,

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Major Update: Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Syed Nasir & Ranjeet Singh Sidhu fight back !!!!!

Dear Vasseti Zavarco Shareholders,

We've been searching and searching and today we found two links for the KL High Court Judgement site.  

Important to note, we have not read this Judgement in full yet so we will not comment on this until later. However, I urge all shareholders to turn to page 3  "Civil Suit"  & page 6 section D "Civil Suit" which clearly shows that Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Syed Nasir & Ranjeet Singh Sidhu are fighting back with a Civil Suit......once you have read that go and read the back story behind it all.... fuck me what a story.....

Here are the links,

KL Judgement search site -

Judgement -

Former Vasseti Group Chairman Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Syed Nasir on the far right &
Former Group Managing Director Ranjeet Singh Sidhu far left.

Zavarco website goes under construction.......

The Vasseti Zavarco website is under construction, all investors relations info, all news feeds,  the names of that criminal board of directors. Literally everything has been taken down.

Roll up... Roll up... Ladies & Gentlemen, come and invest in Aries Telecoms PLC ....... and we will put all your hard earned money straight in our pocket.....

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Blog post from the other day has been removed by us.

Dear Vasseti Zavarco shareholders,

We have taken the blog post down "Important Update" from the other day. It's becoming clear that the information we received is indeed not true........

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Breaking News.... Peter Blomqvist 1 - 0 Board of Directors Zavarco PLC

Dear Vasseti Zavarco shareholders,

I do intend to comment on yesterday's post however we are checking first as to whether or not there is actually a grain of truth to what we received.....please bear with us on this.

Anyway, back to the good stuff and we have received emails from several Vasseti Zavarco shareholders today to alert us to Peter Blomqvist a UK Vasseti Zavarco shareholder who took a victory at the Court of Appeal in London. For reference you can find Mr Blomqvist's original 2nd of July Judgment here. The appeal was lodged against the Blomqvist judgement by the Vasseti Zavarco BOD.

We are chasing a copy of the Order from the UK court of Appeal for you to see as soon as we get our hands on it....

This is without a doubt a fantastic step towards removing that totally criminal BOD of Zavarco PLC.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

This is just wrong on so many levels......

Finally, the 23rd of July 2014 Malaysian High Court Consent order, Open Fibre v Vasseti .... what a joke..

It's hard to work out just where the fraud begins and ends. This situation now demands a formal investigation by the Malaysian authorities. Read and we will discuss......

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Finally... Ingenious Haus (UK) Ltd file their accounts at companies house.....

Ingenious Haus (UK) finally file their accounts, but don't get excited because the accounts show they ain't doing anything. Just another company from the founder of the Ingenious Haus group that appears to....just du nothing ??

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Sunday update.....

Dear Vasseti Zavarco shareholders,

Apologies for the lack of updates recently but we've been busy ...  

We finally got our hands on a copy of the Vasseti Berhad & Vasseti (UK) PLC  v Open Fibre Berhad High Court consent order from June 23rd 2014 (round of applause) but we need to get it translated, so we will bring you that once we have it translated.....

Aries Telecoms Malaysia

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

In the Malaysian courts earlier today.......

Zavarco Berhad formally known as Vasseti Berhad are the plaintiffs and defendants are KKK(M) (Templer Park Golf Club) and Vascory Land and its directors.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Redmayne Bentley Stockbrokers reckon Aries Telecoms will be back......

Redmayne Bentley Stockbrokers reckon that Aries Telecoms will float on the AIM and that they are hoping to raise £100m from a fresh round of unsuspecting investors..........not going to happen...... we will be there to ensure that another listing will not succeed.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Get your accounts filed........they're OVERDUE DU !!!

William Du's UK based company has let its first set of accounts lapse.....

For a man who travels the globe speaking about how to have a successful startup and how to be a successful entrepreneur, you sure don't practice what you preach.....

William Du

Friday, September 11, 2015

A Friday Update........

Dear Vasseti Zavarco Shareholders,

TFGI Friday !!!!

Ok, we are checking the courts on a daily basis both in the UK and Malaysia for any news and so far still nada......

From next week I have decided to start blogging about the London court action brought about by a Peter Ola Blomqvist and as it turns out he is a sizeable shareholder in Vasseti Zavarco PLC....

Finally and again I find myself asking the question, what's the thinking ???

Now I know you guys like to play the superior intelligence game, but when will you decide that it is better and far more intelligent to just sit down with the Zavarco shareholders which you just blatantly stole from and work out a deal that allows you and the shareholders to get back on with their lives. This would in turn leave you to get back to building the business and once again floating the company back on an exchange with a whole new flock of eager shareholders wanting to invest.........Jesus, is it really just me that understands this or are you guys really that fucking dumb........

Have a good weekend.

Aries Telecoms PLC Networking the Future

New Aries Telecoms logo...................

We are kicking this Friday off with an updated logo at Aries Telecoms

what was wrong with the old logo ?   not sure, maybe has something to do with fact that we improved it to reflect the truth.

Anyway, here it is.....
Aries Telecoms Networking the Future

And of course here's our version.....
Aries Telecoms Networking the Future

Let us know which one you prefer.....back later with an update..........

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We are not the only ones concerned with William Du's Vertu Capital Ltd....

Browsing the share chat at London South East and we recently noticed that we are not the only people concerned with what the board of directors will spend the investors money on at William Du's Vertu Capital Ltd........

What's happening over there William your Investor Relations will not answer our emails....

The Edge reprints "Shareholder dispute at Zavarco" story by Jose Barrock in the Digital Edge Weekly....

We have to thank Jose Barrock associate editor at The Edge for highlighting the theft and fraud that has befell the shareholders at Zavarco. 

Since the story was printed we have had more shareholders discover the story and our blog and they have come forward to tell their story.....

The Edge is running the story for a second time in this weeks DigitalEdge weekly so go and read it again and and I encourage all shareholders to write an email of thank you to Jose for highlighting the shareholders dispute at Zavarco.

Shareholder dispute at Zavarco by Jose Barrock read it here.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Vertu Capital Ltd.......we are emailing you but you don't answer ......

Vertu Capital Ltd is the latest venture from William Du aka Kiat Wai Du. William is currently a director at Aries Telecoms Berhad (fka V Telecoms Berhad) which until recently was part of the Vasseti Zavarco Group which was subsequently stolen from the Vasseti Zavarco group using a sham Malaysian high court consent order. He is also the founder of the V Telecoms fund known as the Ingenious Growth Fund and is a current serving director at Rapidcloud International PLC, another London Stock Exchange listed company.
Our last blog post centered around the introduction to this new venture by William. So just to quickly summarize, Vertu Capital Limited has basically been setup to buy another company in the financial services sector and according to the prospectus they've set 2 years from admission to complete this task. 

So what they are currently doing with investors money while they contemplate this acquisition is anybody's guess.......

It has been 8 months since the IPO of Vertu Capital Ltd and has there been any news or  any developments regarding the planned acquisition of a company in the financial services sector ? .

The answer is, NO

Apart from one its directors resigning, Darren Hopkins on the 24th of June 2015 there has not been a peep out of the company.

To try and understand a little more we emailed Investor Relations at Vertu Capital Ltd and asked a couple of questions, the first question we asked, 

July 7th, What is Vertu Capital Ltd relationship to Aries Telecoms PLC ? (Remember, William is a director at its subsidiary Aries Telecoms Berhad.) 

No Answer.

July 8th, We again repeated the question from July 7th.

No Answer.

July 9th, We asked if anybody was there ?

No Answer.

August 11th, We asked, It has been 7 months since the IPO of Vertu Capital LTD and is there any further news or developments regarding the planned acquisition of a company in the financial services sector ?

No Answer.

September 7th,  We asked the same question above with the only change to the question being "8 months since the IPO".

No Answer.

So far I'd say that's a pretty piss poor start to William Du's new venture, Vertu Capital Ltd. We will keep you posted on any further developments.

If want you can take a look through the Vertu Capital listing prospectus you will find it here.

William Du

Monday, September 7, 2015

William Du's company Ingenious Haus shares this link "18 Mistakes That Kill Startups"

The Ingenious Haus Group shared this link on their Facebook page "18 Mistakes That Kill Startups".

We believe it should be 19, so we have added one more to the list.....

All those budding entrepreneurs out there take note......

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Zavarco and it's past directors are back in court.....

Vasseti Zavarco's past directors and a shareholder are back in the KL Courts again.....

For all you Questus fans out there Richard Smith is back with an update.......

Some of you have been emailing me and asking for any further information on Alain Assemi's Questus Global Capital Markets Ltd. Well here it is.......

Richard Smith over at Naked Capitalism continues with his latest update on the Questus fraud....

So go and read it !!!

Questus Global Capital Markets, Scam stock: update by Richard Smith.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Edge Malaysia drags Zavarco PLC into the media spotlight.......

Dear Zavarco shareholders,

The Edge Malaysia has printed a full page article titled "Shareholder dispute at Zavarco" the article has been penned by Jose Barrock who is the associate editor at The Edge Malaysia.

The Edge recently suffered a setback after its publication license was suspend by the Malaysian government for uncovering serious fraud and corruption within 1MDB, but they fight on exposing corruption and fraud in their digital publication.

It's a positive step that media is taking a solid interest in this fraud and theft that has befell the shareholders of Zavarco and I have a feeling that this will not be the last article on this  either.

OK, now make sure you read it and please support The Edge by subscribing to them here and with a plunging ringgit there is no better time to do so......


Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday update.......

Dear Shareholders,

Not a whole lot of news this week, it's too early to tell if yesterday's post "Reaching out to Tan Sri" will bring any results for the Vasseti Zavarco shareholder......but we live in hope.

It's all quiet at the London courts and we are checking the Malaysian High courts on most days, but nothing so far.

We got a hold of a copy of the current list of directors at Aries Telecoms (M) Berhad and they are as follows,





So four fraud directors in total. The first two are up to their neck in this fraud. I don't believe for one single minute that Wan Alias and William Du know nothing of this. We also know for a fact that there are others behind the scenes, how, because we have been shown and told and we will expose every single one of them and their families when the time is right... 

At the end of the day these people are just pure scum, yeah sure they pretend to be entrepreneurs and yeah sure they play at being successful but when all is said and done there just back to being pure scum and they know it.......

Anyway, back to William Du and Vertu Capital next week....and to be honest William's Vertu Captial is starting to like a complete joke.....have a nice weekend......

Aries Telecoms Motivated to Act

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Reaching out to Tan Sri Syed Yusof Tun Syed Nasir.........

We are appealing to the former Vasseti Zavarco Group Chairman Tan Sri Syed Yusof Tun Syed Nasir in hope that he will bring his legal muscle to help defeat the people that defrauded him and the many other shareholders of Vasseti Zavarco PLC. Tan Sri Syed Yusof Tun Syed Nasir bought a 30% stake in Vasseti back in 2010, he is the trusted business partner of the HRH Sultan of Selangor and has an exhaustive portfolio of business interests stretching from the world famous Hard Rock Cafe to the new Four Seasons Hotel which is currently under construction in KL. He is also noted for his charity work with underprivileged children.

I mean it stands to reason does it not ? he must be utterly pissed at having his stake in Vasseti Zavarco stolen from literally under his nose.......lets hope he gets our message.

Here is Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Tun Syed Nasir (right) and his trusted business partner the HRH Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah of Selangor (left). Meeting with the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (middle) during 2014.
Again, Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Tun Syed Nasir (right) and his trusted business partner the HRH Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah of Selangor (left). Meeting with the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (middle) during 2014.

Here he is again with Robert De Niro for the grand opening of the Nobu restaurant in Kuala Lumpur.

Friday, August 14, 2015

We need your help !! Zavarco PLC Directors.

We are looking for photographs, information, basically anything we can get our hands on about these directors listed below. If you've happened to snap any of these directors in their favorite KL massage parlors then email them on over to us at

TEOH HOCK PENG 918324718 Registered Address: Suite 2b-G -1 Ground Floor Block 2 B, Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,

Read more at:
Short name Teoh Hock Peng Year of Birth: 1969 Director ID: 918324718

Read more at:
eng Year of Birth: 1969 Director ID: 918324718

Read more at:

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Red Alert....Emergency Announcement from the BOD of Vasseti Zavarco PLC...

The Zavarco PLC Emergency Announcement is just a click away. You can't miss it. It's been highlighted in, please read me pulsating red....

The board are very keen to reiterate (it's really not supposed to be hyphenated) that the AGM for Zavarco PLC which is due to take place tomorrow in KL, will of course only be opened and closed....with no business to be conducted.

Why the need to reinforce ? well, I guess they may be warning some of the more violent shareholders amongst us that the board of directors probably won't be there for you to take potshots at.

However, if you are going then it should be noted that I do not condone violence and please bear in mind that these people have families just like you and I. Yes I know, I haven't forgotten they don't give a fuck about your family and are quite happy to see your kids out on the street. But it's times like this I like to remind people of that old Klingon proverb "That Revenge is a dish best served cold" and I tell you what buddy I've got mine in the freezer.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Headliner.....The board of directors at Aries Telecoms finally make their first gutsy decision

Yes, the BOD at Aries Telecoms have finally manned up and added a tiny little weenie foot note to their "about us" page, which say's

However, they don't mention anything about the money they have stolen from the Vasseti Zavarco shareholders, and how they deliberately and deceitfully conspired to defraud the public by keeping their company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange knowing full well that company no longer had it's primary subsidiary in place, which was the whole reason that public bought Vasseti Zavarco shares in the first place.....

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

From the man who brought us the V Telecoms fund we have his new venture Vertu Capital Limited......

William Du aka Kiat Wai Du, who  is the founder of the boutique investment bank Ingenious Haus and is also a Director at Aries Telecoms Berhad fka V Telecoms Berhad, you know,  that main subsidiary company of Zavarco PLC fka Vasseti (UK) PLC that was blatantly stolen from its shareholders...

Well, William's new and recent venture Vertu Capital Limited is set to take the financial services sector by storm, and we are keen to track it's progress......

It can't be easy starting any kind of financial based company especially one that is just recently  been floated on the London Stock Exchange Main Market, yes William must be expecting big things from Vertu Capital.....

Here's the company objective,

We are still hoping that William will come forward and give us a quote for our blog re. the V Telecoms Ingenious Growth Fund. We are interested to know if his investors survived or sank with the theft and fraud that befell majority of the other shareholders of Vasseti Zavarco PLC.

So over the coming weeks we will review and discuss this new venture from William Du.

Monday, August 10, 2015

AIM New and Recent Issues listings.......

No Aries Telecoms PLC ....... 

All we have to do now is take back the company that was blatantly stolen from the shareholders of Vasseti Zavarco.....should be easy huh ?....

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Updated the link to Aries Telecoms Malaysia

Updated the link from blog post yesterday which wasn't working....

Aries Telecoms Malaysia

As with the other websites we can't get to see who is on the board of directors .....

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Vasseti Zavarco PLC releases 4 new announcements.....

Vasseti Zavarco PLC yesterday updated it's website to to reflect 4 new company announcements... 
 The submitted Annual Return for 2014 is still an absolute joke, the evidence we received from shareholders clearly shows share misappropriation on an epic scale, if anybody wants a copy just email me and I will send it to you and the main quoted reason for the postponements is the ongoing litigation.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

2013 V Telecoms Launch Video featuring the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin..

Some of you have been mailing and asking where we got the pictures on our blog post from the other day. They were taken from the video of the 2013 V Telecoms Global IP Transit Service Launch....don't forget when watching this shareholders, this is our money that helped build all of this....


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister calls for transparency and a thorough investigation and he get's fired for his trouble....

Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who attended and spoke at the 2013 launch of V Telecoms Global IP Transit Services has been sacked from his position. Full story from the Wall street journal is here.

The below images are taken from the V Telecoms 2013 launch of its Global IP Transit Services. Far left we have none other than Zulizman Zainal Abidin, and then far right we have Roslina Binti Ibrahim, check out the sign at the back of the picture "melting pot" that's exactly where these two are going to end up for defrauding Vasseti Zavarco shareholders.

Below, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, Minister of communications and multimedia arrives and takes center picture. He's flanked by Zulizman Zainal Abidin far left, then over to your far right and you have Shailen Gajera, Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Tun Syed Nasir and Roslina Binti Ibrahim bringing up the rear.

Below, we have Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Tun Syed Nasir, a major investor and former Chariman/Director of the Vasseti Zavarco group and far right with the open blue shirt Shailen Gajera aka Shailen Popatlal, Vice President of V Telecoms, which is a 100% subsidiary of Vasseti Zavraco PLC group....

Below, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin arrives, again flanked by Zulizman Zainal Abidin, Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Tun Syed Nasir and Roslina Binti Ibrahim......

The Deputy Prime Minister who was speaking at the launch, also went on to say that he "Commends V Telecoms for rolling out their fibre optic technology throughout the country to connect the disconnected" 
I am quite sure that the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin would be absolutely and utterly disgusted to learn the fate that befell the shareholders of Vasseti Zavarco PLC. Shareholders who put their money, trust, family and their children's security on the line so that these wankers could treat it as one big my world fraudsters like this and pedophiles are all cut from the same cloth.....they make me sick.