Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas is here ....

To all Vasseti Zavarco shareholders, and all the people have come forward to help and support the blog.

Thank you. 

We hope you all have a terrific and happy holiday and we will see you on the other side ready, fresh with recharged batteries to start the fight again.

All the best.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Update - 3rd December 2016 - Vertu Capital Ltd ( VCBC )

It's been a while since our last update on William Du's listed shell company Vertu Capital Ltd.

Current share trades. 21,350,000 million shares SOLD since our last update and some poor unfortunate soul bought 100,000.

Here's a cut & paste from William Du's personal Linkedin page.

Note his words "to enhance shareholder value" ...

Mr Du, Where is the value? 

It will be nearly 2 years since you have listed the company, what about your shareholders and their value? 

Mr Du is a shareholder and a director at Aries Telecoms (fka V Telecoms) since 2009. During 2009, Mr Du also set up a fund by the name of the Ingenious Growth fund we covered it Here

However, for some inexplicable reason, Mr Du and the people who invested with him do not appear to have been affected in any way by the fraud and theft committed against the shareholders of Vasseti Zavarco PLC. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Cynical Bear over at Share Prophets updates his Sub-Standard shockers list ...

Vertu Capital, daVictus PLC and Vale International Group make it on to Cynical Bear's Sub-Standard Shockers list over at Share Prophets ... (am I surprised? fuck no... )

Full article is over at Share Prophets - Click here

Please go and support Share Prophets by signing up to their free news service. 

Share Prophets are doing an absolute shitload of work to help disinfect the casino stock markets and keep the hard working investor safe and away from these total scumbags that just can't make any money without stealing it from everyone else. 


Monday, November 21, 2016

Tens of thousands of Malaysians rally in Kuala Lumpur against government corruption and theft ....

I love this .... the Malaysian people fighting back ... 

Fraud, corruption and theft have no place in our society. It must be driven out and all those who commit it against honest hard working people must be held accountable...

Don't give up until justice prevails. I salute you Malaysia !!

Tens of thousands of Bersih yellow-shirt protesters rallied Saturday in Kuala Lumpur.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The battle continues to remove the criminal board at Vasseti Zavarco PLC ....

Dear Vasseti Zavarco Shareholders,

The battle rages on in the UK courts to remove the criminal board of directors that conspired and executed a fraud to steal your hard earned money in order to enrich their own lives....

Link is here -

Friday, October 21, 2016

Update - October 21st 2016 ...

Dear Vasseti/Zavarco shareholders,

Right, we are back ...

Thank you for your emails and concern, the hack was unsuccessful, and although we do not know who did it, we have a hunch who it might be ...

Referring to our September 30th post. There has clearly been another attempt at holding a general meeting to remove that criminal Board of Directors from Zavarco PLC, but for whatever reason, it is postponed again.  We will keep you posted on any further news.

We are aware that several of you are waiting on answers to emailed questions regarding the Vasseti Zavarco fraud. Now that we have fully moved office we will get back to answering your questions over the coming week.

Have a great weekend,

Monday, October 10, 2016

Update - We have had an attempted HACK !!!!

Dear Vasseti Zavarco shareholders and readers,

We have had it confirmed that our Robert Ross Gmail account had been the subject of an attempted HACK  !!!

So in the interests of security and safety, we have closed down the email account for Robert Ross, and we have a new email address, 

Our new email address -

Please note readers we are in the process of moving offices, so email response times are a little slow. 

Thanks for bearing with us and we will return  later this week with more news.

Friday, September 30, 2016

BREAKING NEWS - General Meeting postponed on Zavarco PLC website !!!

Dear Vasseti/Zavarco shareholders,


Zavarco Plc announces that the General Meeting, due to be held on 7 October 2016 at Danesfield House Hotel, Henley Road, Marlow on Thames, Buckinghamshire SL7 2EY, United Kingdom at 9.30 am, has been postponed indefinitely pursuant to a Court Order of Rt. Hon Lord Justice Hamblen dated 12 September 2016. The Board will notify the shareholders of the date of any reconvened General Meeting in due course. "

text, cut & paste took from Zavarco PLC website - Link here

General Meeting Vasseti Zavarco PLC

Thursday, September 15, 2016

WARNING !! V Telecoms Thailand advertises for a new CFO with IPO and stock market listing experience .....

Thank you to the e-mailer for sending this through to us. 

V Telecoms Connexia Co.Ltd based in Thailand which is a subsidiary of the Zavarco PLC Group.  Are advertising for a new CFO and have stipulated in the below advert that the candidate for the position "must have IPO & Listing experience."

Important to also note the company has also gone through a name change to,


The contact for the advert is Mr Vinai Varanyananda and he is still a serving director at Zavarco PLC.


Advert link is - here

Mercury Telecoms Ltd

Friday, September 9, 2016

Vale International Group ( VIG ) pops up on Cynical Bear's radar over at Shareprophets ...

Last week we introduced you to Vale International Group  ( VIG) the newly listed shell company from the directors at Vertu Capital and daVictus PLC.

Cynical Bear over at Share Prophets has added them to his list of "sub-standard shockers" 

Full article at Share Prophets is - click here 


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Last week sell trades at William Du's Vertu Capital Ltd ( VCBC ) and daVictus PLC ( DVT ) ...

Starting with William Du's company, Vertu Capital ( VCBC ) and a stock market collapsing 8 Million shares sold last week ...

Will there be any money left to buy VCB Capital ? and will they do it before the 2-year deadline? 

or will they start another company ??  if they did, will it begin with the letter V ???

some possible suggestions,

Vampire Capital PLC 

Vasectomy Subsidiaries Group PLC 

Volumetric Bullshit International PLC

anyway here are the trades ...

and finally daVictus PLC ( DVT ) 50,000 shares sold, last week .....



Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What do a director of Vertu Capital and a director of daVictus PLC have in common?

Starting with the letter V .... for fuck's sake ... Vale is following in familiar footsteps as per William Du's listed shell company, Vertu Capital Ltd and daVictus PLC. Remember, daVictus was formally owned by Roslina Binti Ibrahim and Shailen Gajera aka Shailen Popatlal but is now helmed by Robert Logan Pincock the younger brother of Mark Logan Pincock who helms Aries Telecoms PLC (if you are new, go back to the beginning of the blog for the full story)  .... 

Vale is to be listed on the London Stock Exchange on the 5th of September. It's another shell company, with no assets, well except for the money they have raised from investors and as per Vertu Capital and daVictus prospectus they are to invest the money raised from their hard working investors into and I quote, "Game changing fin-tech company."

Some facts,

The company has been incorporated in the BVI jurisdiction (sounds familiar) so transparency is for shit ... again.

Director 1: Patrick Tsang, don't know him, but we will do some digging.

Director 2: Simon Retter, finance director over at William Du's Vertu Capital and finance director at Paragon Diamonds another London-listed company, which, incidentally ran out of money, got delisted and now bimbles about awaiting its fate. I pray for the shareholders of Paragon Diamonds ....

Director 3: Malcolm Groat, allegedly an AIM guru and a director at daVictus PLC. Malcolm's previous listed company London Mining PLC is in liquidation and suffered it's demise from falling iron ore prices and an Ebola outbreak at the mine in South Africa ... shocking stuff .... needless to say, all shareholders of London Mining PLC lost their money.

Some other notable facts from the listing prospectus,

The founder of the company is Mahesh Pulandaran, resigned as a director of the company on the 6th of June 2016... saying that Mr Pulandaran will receive a SUCCESS FEE of £50,000 pounds made payable to him when the company is successfully listed on the exchange's paying for that?

Patrick Tsang is entitled to receive an annual fee of £25k based on 3 DAYS PER MONTH.

Simon Retter will be entitled to receive a salary of £25k per year.

Malcolm Groat will be entitled to receive an annual fee of £3,000 based on 3 DAYS PER MONTH.

and of course, all the Directors are entitled to be reimbursed by the Company for travel, hotel and other expenses incurred by them in the course of their directors’ duties relating to the Company.

Gosh ... with all those fees, salaries and entitlements being thrown about, let's hope there's enough money left to buy that fin-tech company they talk about...

Anyway, if you want a giggle, listing prospectus is here

Let's just watch and see ...... 


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

100,000 shares sold last week at daVictus PLC ( DVT )

More selling last week at daVictius PLC ( DVT ). The LSE-listed shell company, with no assets and investors money, firmly in its grasp .....

It is said that in the not too distant future they will "acquire" a company in the food industry.
Seven months have now passed .....  

Come on daVictus .... don't forget your shareholders need to eat too !!!!!


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Back to William Du's Vertu Capital ( VCBC ) and 3,000,000 shares dumped yesterday ...

Vertu Capital Ltd. Listed on the London stock exchange since Jan 2015. Doesn't own a single asset. Allegedly raised 800k through its IPO and now sits waiting for over a year and a half for a "financial services" company to be injected into it, so they can start making millions of pounds for its investors....

"Watch out for those Malaysian consent orders that magically remove the subsidiary when the time is right ..... lol ....."

William Dui


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Answering your questions .....

Dear Vasseti Zavarco shareholders,

We received some shareholders questions regarding our post on Tuesday.

"Any idea what this hearing is about ??"

We will assume that this hearing is for any further arguments relating to the 17th of May judgemnt. To be honest, we are not surprised that there are "further arguments" as there is clearly plenty to argue in that judgment.  
  1. I invite the parties to seek to agree the order required to give effect to these findings. I will list a hearing at which this judgment will be handed down. There need be no attendance if the order is agreed. If there are matters arising however and they can be dealt with conveniently to the parties in not more than 30 minutes I will take them at that hearing. In any other event, parties should provide an agreed time estimate and dates of availability and I will list a later hearing.
Extracted from Blomqvist v Zavarco PLC judgment published on the 17th of May 2016.  Find it - here.

We will be back with a full breakdown of the May judgment soon,  but until then we intend on giving these hearings as much breathing space as possible ....


Aries Telecoms

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Back to daVictus PLC ( DVT ) with more selling .....

250,000 shares sold at daVictus PLC. Their AGM is being held on the 8th of July.

"The Company's AGM will take place at 4 pm (Malaysia time), 9 am GMT, on 8 July 2016 at No. 9A, First Floor, Jalan SS15/2A, Subang Jaya, 47400 Selagor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia."

Floated on the London Stock Exchange during February 2016 the company said, 

"daVICTUS has been formed to undertake one or more acquisitions of businesses (either shares or assets) which operate in or own Australian, European and/or North American food and beverage eatery franchises in South East Asia and/or the Far East."

5 months later and still nobody has a clue what they are considering buying .... give me a break !!!



Friday, July 1, 2016

More selling at Vertu Capital Ltd ( VCBC ) ....

I have taken a screenshot from the London Stock Exchange website for Vertu Capital Ltd, as the trades on my normal site showed correction issues with the trades.

Note the trades on the 27th of June. 3 trades are made these are all selling trades amounting to 2.6 million shares sold. 

Vertu Capital has stated that they will be buying their friends at VCB Capital (lmao). So we wait patiently for the release of a new prospectus. Which, when released we will most certainly have a good giggle over.

Have a great weekend ....


Sunday, June 26, 2016

HOLY FUCK !!! 53k worth of shares bought at DaVictus PLC ( DVT ) !!!!

Now there's a trade that doesn't make a whole load of sense  ???

Remember folks, DaVictus PLC has no assets. It's just a listed shell company waiting for "something with value" to be injected into it ..... give me a break !!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

3.4 million shares dumped between Davictus ( DVT ) & Vertu Capital ( VCBC )

Two more trades from last week .... run for the hills !!!!


Share Prophets get a whiff of Vertu Capital ( VCBC ) & Davictus ( DVT ) ...

Cynical Bear over at Share Prophets picks up the trail. Here is what CB has to say,

"The full-backs are the Malaysian related duo of Vertu Capital (VCBC) and Davictus (DVT) on which more anon as there is a certain smell related to these two. For the moment, worth just stating that Vertu came to the market in January 2015 raising £800,000 at 1p and currently sits at 1.125p and Davictus listed in January 2016 raising £1 million at 10p. Its share price is 12p at present. "

Quote from Cynical Bear's article over at Share Prophets.

Full article is - click here

Friday, May 20, 2016

30k worth of shares dumped at Davictus PLC ( DVT ) ....

More selling at Davictus PLC. The company originally owned and run by Shailen Gajera  and Roslina Binti Ibrahim but is now "apparently" owned by Robert Logan Pincock, the younger brother of  Mark Logan Pincock, who is currently the CEO over at Aries Telecoms PLC ...

Remember folks, this is a newly listed SHELL company PROMISING that they will "buy" another company which is allegedly supposed to have value. Most entrepreneurs build successful companies first, then float them on an exchange, but no, not these guys, they ask you to invest in absolutely nothing first then promise you value later ... give me a break ...

Please don't invest on the promises of idiots !!!



Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Vertu Capital VCBC releases its AGM agenda & resolutions FINALLY !!!

With only 3 working days left until the Vertu Capital AGM, which is on the 23rd of May in KL and the powers at be have decided to at last release their proposed AGM agenda. 

AGM agenda Link - here

The agenda covers the usual, re-appointment of directors, how much they should get paid and to deliberate that "proposed acquisition" of their buddies at VCB Capital (lol).

but wait a minute ... they are appointing a new director  Simon Retter 

Who is Simon Retter ?

Mr Retter is a director at the ill-fated Paragon Diamonds Ltd, which up until recently was listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM (CASINO) until it got suspend from the exchange for running out of money and not being able to secure further financing or buyers for the company. Guess what ... all their shareholders got royally fucked over. Suspension notice for Paragon Diamonds - here

Do yourself a favour shareholders, if you want to gamble your savings ... go to Vegas instead, the odds are far far better there ... Good Luck ...


Peter Blomqvist v Zavarco PLC, Open Fibre Judgement released ...

Long awaited judgement can be found here -

Back with a breakdown ...